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Puppy training problem

19 13:33:06

I have a 6 month old cavalier i really thought we had cracked the potty trining no accident for the last 4 weeks then this week she weed and pooped on the floor several times and on each of these times ive been in to let her out i just cant understand it shes also started to do the odd wee on her blanket can you give me any advice as i feel i have gone backwards in the last 5 days.

Have you had her checked over by a vet?  The most common reason for a normally house-trained dog to begin messing in the house again is some sort of illness affecting the bowels.
When this is ruled out the next possibility is hormones.  She is getting to the age where she may be coming into her first season and this can cause some dogs to act very strangely.  In this case you will need to be very strict about her going outside - possibly reverting to the techniques you used when she was a puppy to housetrain her in the first place.
The next possibility is that she has taken a fright and will need her potty training starting again.  Has anything happened that could have made her nervous either to go outside or to ask to go outside?  
Once she has been checked by a vet the best thing you can do is maintain consistency and get her in the same routine she had when she was a very little puppy until she is satisfactorily potty trained again.  Usually this is enough to set straight a backward step.  If the behaviour persists even when this is being carried through it may be time to seriously crate-train her.  In this case please don't hesitate to contact me again and I will go through the "problem potty" crate training with you.
Best of Luck