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Mini Schnauzer shoulder problem

19 9:37:24


I have a 5 year old mini and he has come up with a problem that seems to be in his shoulder. This problem has been going on over the last month.

It started with seeing him limping after/while going on 2-3 mile daily walks. (He also wrestles and plays chase games with our 3 year old mini.) I found a little rock in his paw and once I removed it, he seemed better. But then the limping came back.

We took him to the vet last week and she didn't really find anything after an exam and X-rays. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory and told us not to take him on the walks.

He still limps occasionally and now recoils in pain from stretching his shoulder up (out?). He usually stands on his back legs and stretches up my legs to greet me when I get home. Yesterday, he tried to greet me, but winced and yipped as his leg came to vertical against my leg. He tried a couple more times, and then I stopped him from trying.

We are going to get him back to the vet next week to see if she can find anything now that he is in worse shape.

Are there any common shoulder problems to look for in the breed? Any other insight you may have would be appreciated as well.

Thanks much,


Forget the GP vet for instances like this. What you need is a chiropractic vet; hopefully you have one in your area.

In the meantime, gently feel on his shoulder (and elbow) for any area that feels a bit warmer than the surrounding tissue, and ice that area 3-4 times a day for about ten minutes or so. If you cannot find a warm spot, just ice the entire shoulder. This dog needs crate rest for several days or even a couple weeks, and I would not let him do any jumping up or down or allow him to do any stairs... and NO playing with the other dog... carry him out and back inside. He needs to be kept off of that leg as much as possible.

We have had two instances of shoulder problems here. One was our Terra (daughter's agility dog) who was licking her right shoulder and left thigh. She needed a couple of adjustments in her back, and then she was fine after a 24-hour rest. The other was a wild young puppy bitch who came up lame in the front, and the chiro couldn't really find anything wrong with her, and the X-rays all looked good. The bitch was being crate-rested, and then she came in season for the first time, so she ended up being out-of-commission for a good four weeks. Four years later and she hasn't had a problem since.

You might also consider having your dog tested for Lyme's, although that is generally a lameness that moves from one leg to another.