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poop eating

19 9:13:56

Does adding accent or pumpkin to kibble work for this problem?


Hi Carla

Thank you for writing to me regarding your dog's poop eating.  Sorry for the delay...I had a family emergency recently.

What I always recommend for this problem is adding a high quality digestive enzyme to the food.  Sometimes if a dog is not properly digesting their food, the smell of the poop is enticing to them because it still has undigested fragments in it.

Also, a high quality food where a dog is getting all the nutrients it needs usually prevents a dog from wanting to eat poop.  I don't know what you are feeding so I am unable to determine if that could be part of the problem?  I can say that dog food should be based on animal protein, not on soy, corn, wheat or other grains...Check to see what ingredients are in the food.  You might also have to add a vitamin/mineral.

Best of luck.
Shelley Davis