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walking my pug

19 9:47:02

My Pug is approx. 6 yrs. old.He has always loved going for a walk.Recently,he has been refusing to walk.He starts out fine and then for some unknown reason will stop and refuse to continue.I have  


Hi Stella,

First, check your dog's feet. Are there any sores or cuts on your dog's foot pads? Are there any irritations or sores between the toes? Are your dog's toe nails getting too long, and  need to be trimmed?  

Has there been snow or ice where you live? Snow melting salts and chemicals can be uncomfortable to a dog. Be sure to wipe his feet with baby wipes, or with a wash cloth and mild soap and water when you return home. If it's cold outside, try having your dog wear a sweater or coat. Inside dogs can be sensitive to cold winter temperatures.

If your dog checks out okay, the next step is to have your dog examined by a vet to rule out a medical condition such as arthritis which might make walking painful for your dog.

Until you can figure out what the problem is, don't force your dog into walking longer than he feels comfortable going.

Best of luck,
