Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Dog needs to go out in the middle of the night

Dog needs to go out in the middle of the night

19 11:38:09

QUESTION: 8 monthe ago we adopted a 2 yr old shep lab mix. She was very good about going potty when we got home from work( started in a crate but now has the house all day w no accidents) About 4 months ago she started needing to go out 1-3 times after midnite usually she will do a #1 and 2 sometimes it's just to look around. How can I get her on her old schedule we have changed nothing in her feeding or any other routines. Thanks

ANSWER: Make SURE you take her out at least twice between her evening feeding and bedtime, and try taking away her water and food no later than 7:00pm. Do not let her just 'look around.' Go out there with her on a leash, walk around with her for a few minutes, and if she doesn't do anything, bring her back in and put her in her crate.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She normally does not go in the crate at nite. When we have boarded her she will potty in the crate overnite

Are you sure she doesn't have an infection or anything that might be causing this issue? She might just be 'weird,' like I am. I can go all day without a bathroom break, and not drink anything after 6:00pm, but I will have to get up 2, 3, or even 4 or more times during the night to pee. It's so annoying.