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i think groomer gave my dog a muscle relaxer

19 13:56:54

Yesterday I took my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Sadie, to get groomed. She has been groomed many times at new places and has never reacted the way she did when she came home yesterday. Her eyes were extremely blood shot and she was very sleepy. Even later that night when I offered her a treat she sat up, eyes barely open and then laid back down. All day and night she could barely keep her eyes open. She has never reacted that way after being groomed. I know she has a fear of the dryer, but they usually air dry her for a while before trying the dryer on her. She is my life and I would be enraged if someone drugged her w/out my permission. Thank you. Betsy Allen

Hi Betsy,  I have heard of groomers giving Ace (acepromazine - a tranquilizer) to dogs that react during grooming, but it has got to be illegal without an owners permission.  I would make an aynonmous call and just ask if they give ace or anything else to dogs to calm them down.  Don't let your emotions get involved as you need to get them busted.  If they say yes they do, then you need to contact the USDA (US Dept of Agriculture) as it is illegal to dispense medication without a prescription.  They could kill a dog doing it incorrectly.  Hope this helps,
