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Dog is throwing up...

19 13:34:01

I am having a small problem,
My 9 month old Shih tzu has been thtowing up for the last two days. She has been eating fine and playing with my other pup. She starts out by couhing and then throws up something that looks like saliva. I checked if it was a hair on her throat or something but there was nothing. It sounds like when a cat has a hair ball. Should i take her to the vet? I am a little worried because it happens and then it stops.
Thank you.

I always get a bit nervous when someone mentions a puppy coughing, then vomiting. Of course, my first question has to be if she is up to date on her shots? Is she fine otherwise, or has she gone off her water? Does she do this coughing whenever she plays with her buddy (maybe she is just getting a bit overexcited, since Shih tzus have a shorter muzzle). Perhaps something could be stuck deep in her throat, where you can't see it, and is not affecting her breathing.

THis is a puzzling question, since on one side it could be over-exertion, or something in her belly. My first reaction would be - for your own piece of mind - is to take her to the vet - just in case.  Hopefully, it'll be something easy to treat.

Good luck.