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9 year old Rotti with bone tumor

19 10:26:08

My 9 year old female Rottie has been diagnosed with a bone tumor in her shoulder, common I am learning to rotti's. Do you think supplementing her with a calcium supplement will help strengthen the bone?

Hi Sharon,

It's actually not wise to give a dog a calcium supplement without vet supervision. Most dogs get all the calcium they need from their regular diets, supplementing can cause problems, causing bones to lose density making them weak and fragile.

Omega 3 fatty acids are often supplemented when fighting cancer. They have been shown to slow the development and metastasis of certain cancers. You want to be careful though, because supplementing with Omega 6 fatty acids on the other hand, have been shown to stimulate tumor development.

As you can see, it can actually be dangerous to supplement with the wrong things, it would be best to talk over diet supplements with your veterinarian, before giving anything to your dog.

Best of luck,
