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My dog couldnt poop, only small squirts, looked depressed.

19 11:01:20

Hello. I'm quite sad because my dog just died. I feel horrible.

My parents had a party, there were a lot of kids. I don't know if this was what led to his death. I was not home since I was at work, so I don't know what was going at the party. The next day I got home from work and usually my dog would come and greet me when he saw me, this time he did not. He was just lying down, he looked depressed. The next day, he would try to poop but couldn't, only small squirts, like diarrhea. The next day, he was acting normal, so I thought he was going to be okay now. However, the next day early in the morning before I left to school, I saw him depressed and powerless. I was going to take him to the vet as soon as I got out of school. My sister called and told me my dad was taking my dog to the vet because he looked very bad. On the way there, he died. I really miss him, he was my best friend. As I write this tears are sliding down my cheek. I'm just wondering if you have an idea of what could have caused his death? Thank you.

Sounds like so many different things. Could've been poisoning, an injury, parvo, ecoli, campylobacter, worms. With sudden onset it was not likely worms, but any of the other things are possible. I would wonder about poisoning or injury. Was there alcohol at the party?
I'm sorry that you lost your dog, but should you get another one, please , if they show symptoms of being ill do not waste time taking them to the vet. Dogs due to their nature do not allow themselves to appear ill until it is impossible for them to hide it any longer,
To wait, is very often to bury your much loved pet,.
Again, I'm so sorry for your loss