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My Dog is A Biter....Help!

19 10:35:55

I have a loving, sweet 40 pound Terrier mix. We have had him 5 years, and we love him. I cannot take him to the vet, give him a bath or anything, because he WILL bite us. He is blonde, and I let him out, and he had diarrhea all over him! I gave him 3 25 mg. Benadryl, and after 30 minutes tried to put his leash, which he is terrified of, over his neck, and he has bitten me several, painful times. Any other time, he is the sweetest dog you can want. What can I do? He needs to go to the vet, but there is no way he going to get in a car!I can't get him on a sedative, which the vet says he needs to take everyday, if I can't get him to the vet. Help me please!

He is 40 pounds and I am guessing you may be at least 100 pounds.....Have you tried acclimating him to a muzzle? Or how about finding a vet that will come to him?

Benadryl is not a solution. I could be off, but he is sweet as long as no one tries to leash him, or put him in a car? Or maybe he is sweet as long as no one does anything he does not want done?

I do not mean to be rude, he is sick, he needs to go to the vet. Why can't you give him a sedative? Put one piece in a piece of steak, have two in your hands, give him the first one with the drug in it and then quickly offer the second one.

Maybe hire a vet tech to come over and get him there-someone who he does not know?