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Need help soon.

19 11:07:25

I have 8 Pit bulls, my female is 5 and I have 2 males that are around 1 also I have 5 puppies that were born 10/26/07. I love them all and I don't know what I can do.
Here is my situation Lover Boy (one of the males that is 1) he loves me so much. He is so protective over me. Way to Jealous. But he thinks he has to be. He has protected me from my Boy friend and has bitten him. He doesn't get a long with Truly Mine (other male around 1 year old) Lover Boy has went aft4r him a few times and it has been pretty bad, bloody fights. Faithful (5 year old female) will jump in on the fight and also go after Truly Mine, I don't understand why she does that. If it is just her and Truly she is fine. Faithful has always had a great temperament.
Lover Boy at first liked the puppies, well now he does not and he will go after them. He likes things to be calm I think. Also he will NOT share anything. Well he does his normal food and water but toys and treats he will not, he gets really mean about it. Before him not liking the puppies I thought maybe getting rid of Truly would solve the problem. Truly is more of my bf's dog and he would be able to survive with out me I now. Also he has a great temperament so I wouldn't be scared to give him to a good home. Well that thought went out of my head because4 Lover Boy does not like the puppies either. So I didn't know what to do.
So I was going to try to find a home for Lover Boy. To say the least that hasn't went well at all. I have called and everyone is telling me to put him to sleep. I had him neutered thinking that would help. My vet also told me to put him to sleep before I told him my situation with my bf, that is when he decided to neuter him. Well it has been over a month and to be honest it seems like he has become worse.
I took him to have his picture taken, yesterday so they could put it on pet finder to try and find another home. Well he bit a woman there. He was just flipping out and she walked up and he bit her. So I told them to destroy the paper work and I took him out to the car. I went back in to talk to them and they said that he is my dog that is for sure and that they didn't think he would be able to be placed anywhere else. They told me that they cold help me get rid of the puppies, but I don't ant to get rid of all my dogs. Yes 8 dogs is way to many, but I cant part with all of them. My dogs are my life. I would die for them in a second. I cant handle getting rid of all my dogs because one is so mean. To be honest I do favor Lover Boy, well I did. Now he isn't allowed out much because he cant be nice to the rest of the family (other dogs)
I guess the other day my bf took him to his brothers house and he lunged at his niece. She is only about 10 or 11 I believe. I don't know what to do. What to think. I don't have any children so he is not use to children. Also I believe that the children next door harass him when he is outside. That may be why he hates children.
I was going to go to the vets office today and talk to him, but I know what he will tell me to do and I don't know if I can do that. I really need some help in anyway. Are you able to help me? Or do you know someone that can? I don't know what to do. Please e mail soon and if you would like to call I will gladly give you my #. Thank you for your time

All my dogs are inside dogs.

Jolien, pit bulls are instinctively aggressive towards other dogs and often other animals as well. To what degree depends on the individual dog - some are more or less aggressive than others. It sounds like you are finding this out for yourself now!

A pit bull should NEVER be aggressive towards humans. Your dog, Lover Boy, has bitten (or tried to bite) >>how<< many people already - one of which was a CHILD! This is serious business. You NEED to locate a trainer that has experience not only with aggressive dogs, but with the bully breeds. If you cannot find a trainer that can help you, then I'm sorry to say this, but you really should consider euthanasia for him. Because of his aggression towards other people, I fear he will become another statistic that generates bad press for the breed, and that isn't what the breed needs right now, with so much BSL cropping up everywhere. :^(

You need to have Truly neutered, and Faithful spayed, as soon as you can. I hope that Lover Boy did not father Faithful's puppies, because if he did, there's a high chance that the puppies will grow up to be like him. If Truly was the father, and has the temperament you say he does, then that's relieving, but he is too young to be bred, and, to be frank with you, people should not be breeding their pet pit bulls because of the BSL issues and such that I mentioned earlier. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of pit bulls in need of homes already. There are just too many of them, because too many people are breeding them.

I wish you luck. Please do the right thing.