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choke chains

19 11:07:25

I am having the worst time adjusting to life in a new apt and in a crazy city. My husband and I moved from our own house with a fenced in yard in PA to a one bedroom apt in NYC. I am trying to get the dogs on a schedule and start work next week. I have a bulldog and a boston terrier/ beagle mix. Is it sufficient to walk them in the morning, let them out after work and then once again at night? How long is too long to go without letting them out? Also, they are not used to all these people, noises, and dogs on the street all the time. They are actually doing really well, but I want them to listen a little better and stay close to me at times. Should I enroll them in obedience school or should I try a choke chain? I love my dogs so much and don't want to hurt them. They are both 3 years old. Please help.

Well i work at a boarding kennel and the dogs are left for 11 hours without getting out,and only a few dogs make accidents,so it is safe to safe that they can hole it for at least 8-12 hours

and I think the exercise you are giving your dogs is about right for those breeds,as they are not big energy breeds and you are actually giving them more exercise then they have to(but don't stop doing that,the more you walk them the less likely they will get fat)

Obedience classes are always a good idea,as a trainer can work one on with you and your dogs-so it would be a good idea to enroll them,as different dogs respond differently to different methods of training