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when we can nudder our dog?

19 10:39:05

We have a std poddle.  vet says ok to nudder at 6 months old.  he is 10 daysn before his 6 month birthday.  vet wants to schduel him in for tomorrow.  my wife said to question the vet doing it to early.  anything you know of to be concerned with?


You can neuter your dog as early as 8 weeks old. So long as he is over two pounds, it is medically safe to neuter him. Most vets recommend a dog getting neutered between 4 and 6 months old age if possible, just to allow them to get a little bigger and make it easier on them, but in rescue thats not always possible (Since we get a lot of puppies) so I have spayed/neutered over 3 thousand puppies between 8 weeks and 6 months. You have nothing to worry about! He will be just fine :)

Good luck!