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how much to feed my german shorthair

19 11:20:49

hi i was wondering how much to feed my 9 month old german shorthair puppy.  we currently feed him 1 cup in the am and 1 cup in the pm of dry food.  he always seems to still be hungry.  last weekend he was in the hospital for a bowl obstruction.  doing much better.

My rule of thumb is as much as they can eat in a t hirty minute period twice per day. I would put his food down and leave it, let him eat until he loses interest and walks away. He might eat a lot to begin with but should settle into a normal routine. Also what are you feeding? So many dog foods are just garbage and they dont' get the nutrition from it that they need, so even though they're eating they're hungry. Kind of like you would be if you ate sawdust, just wouldn't do much for you :)