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OCD dalmation

19 9:28:40

my one yr old dalmation, pitt mix,  born deaf, has what seems to be OCD. running from corner to corner of house screaming at the corners.  now he has started to bite at the carpet in multiple spots. nose punching the spots, screaming and running repeatedly to all ends of the house.  we have acres fenced in, and play with him a lot to divert his attention.  is he crazy? or in need of an antidepressant? thanks, greg

Hi, Greg..

It sounds like your dog might be simply frustrated.
Has anything really changed in his life, lately, to trigger this behavior? To a pet with a impaired sense, the other senses become much more important. Even something small... like a new couch, a new doggy-bed, a new mail man?
It sounds like he doesn't know how to express his feelings, so he's acting out like this.

While I don't think an antidepressant would be the answer, it would definitely be smart to mention it to your vet.

Is he socialized often? Does he get a chance to interact with other pets and people? You might consider increasing his playtime with others.

As for the destructive behavior, like biting the carpet and nose punching, I would suggest crating him when he acts this way. Once he calms down, it should only take maybe 10 minutes, let him out and praise him. If the crating doesn't work, try letting him outside and running around the yard for awhile--a safe way to express his energy.

Also, try to keep him wore out! A bored dog is 10 times as likely to misbehave.
Dogs sometimes, also, don't have the motivation to exercise themselves. Just letting him loose in the yard, well, he might find a nice spot in the sun and chill.

Taking him for a couple walks a day, or playing a vigorous game of fetch for thirty minutes, is a good way to wear him out. And, chances are, if he's tired out he won't be acting up like this. wishes :)
Feel free to followup if you have any more questions