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pregnant pomeranian

19 10:14:34

i have a male and female pomeranian 5yrs old. do not know if they breed, never did before, kept them apart...wanted to maybe one day have puppies and keep. if she is we will be happy. she has never breed before and is getting to old for this.i don't think she is pregnant. not showing a belly so didn't go to vet. now acting funny. digging, restless, going in closet. never acted this way. can she not show and still be close to a delivery?thanks so much.

She could probably have one puppy and not show, particularly if she carried it high up under her ribcage as they often do with a first pregnancy.

She could also be having a whopper of a false pregnancy; the symptoms are pretty much identical.

You need to have her examined by a veterinarian to determine if she is pregnant or not. It is important to know this so that you can tell when/if she should get into trouble and start having problems with the delivery. Her life can depend on what you do.

If you have no intention of breeding her, you really should have her spayed to prevent her from having pyometra (uterine infection) or mammary cancer.