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Digging before pooping

19 10:14:35

I have a 3 month old mini schnauzer that digs in his box before he poops.  We are using the wee wee pads because he is home during the day.  Anyway every time he has to poop he basically destroys the wee wee pad by scratching at it (digs) and then he goes. HELP!  This is becoming expensive.

Hi Brenda,

It may be challenging to train your puppy to go to the bathroom outside, once you finally get him used to "going" on the pads or in the box. Hopefully, you're also giving your puppy leashed walks to get him used to that experience too.

If you're not around to give your puppy a "correction" in the a behavior you're trying to change, you can't prevent it. I suggest using shredded newspaper in a litter box, so he can dig, and clean up will be easier. Newspaper is cheaper and better for the environment than the puppy pads, besides.

The mere fact your puppy is using the pads is reason enough for praise. He isn't doing anything wrong.

Best of luck,
