Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Dry Snout

Dry Snout

19 13:38:02

We have a 12 year old Australian Shepherd that has a dry crusty snout.  She has been licking her nose and just licking as if she has something stuck on her tongue.  Any ideas on what may be the cause?

She could be a little dehydrated.  You can check her hydration by pulling up the skin on her scruff.  If it pops right back down her hydration is good.  If her nose is really dry and cracking, that could be the reason she is licking it.  The same reason we lick our lips when they get chapped, even though it makes it worse.  You can try putting some Vaseline on her nose to help keep it moist.  If she hasn't had any bloodwork done recently, I would definitely recommend that as well to rule out any problems she may be developing.
