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Shihpoo diarrhea

19 11:51:57

My angel, Lulu has had diarrhea for about 2 weeks.  1.5 weeks ago she went to the Vet to be spayed, last week I took her in so they could look at her incision and mentioned she had diarrhea, they did not seem to concerned.  Should I be concerned?  I feed her Innova hard food with some Innova soft food and since yesterday have been adding some rice.  She eats, drinks and does not seem unusually lethargic.

there are alot of reasons for diarrhea, to start I would have the vet do a stool check, this will eliminate an intestinal worm infection, which the recent surgery and stress could have allowed to manifest. Though most dogs have worms there are not always signs until the dog gets stressed. It could take some time to find out what is causing the diarrhea. surgery can causes stress which can cause underlying conditions to surface. there could be another cause of the diarrhea, the stress of surgery. I would call the vet to discuss more about the diarrhea. Remember many vets have a full schedule, which limits their time.  A phone call could ease your mind and be a freindly reminder that you are conserned about the diarrhea in your dog. your dogs health depends upon your relationship with your Vet. If it lasts more than a few days it should be addressed with your vet, to find the cause. if every thing else is normal it is not an emergency, but if she should stop eating and drinking or show other signs of illness it could become more serious.