Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > do you know who to contact

do you know who to contact

19 9:24:40

just found out my dog has cancer---- and saw on internet that thier doing experimental testing ---- how -- or who would i call to see if they would accept my dog---- willing to take him anywhere myself. grasping at any chance for him---

Hi Mariano,

I am so sorry to hear this news.  However, depending on the type of cancer, age and state of health of your dog and staging of the cancer, it is not necessarily a death sentence.  There are treatments for cancer and many do work and give your dog extra time.

If it is possible to give me your email, I would be happy to work with you the best I can to help you with this issue.  It is much more expedient to do this directly.  Just write to me and mark it Private.  No one else will see the information.

Shelley Davis