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Dogs neck has infected spot

19 9:39:32

My dog has been scratching his neck quite a lot more than usual lately and now it looks infected and smells bad, it also looks a little swollen, and it has a wet look to the spot, He has lost the desire to move much since it started and when he does he's frequently shaking his head. I also notice he's panting a lot but in my opinion that could be attributed to the hot Florida weather and the fact he needs a hair cut and grooming, but it still worries me cause I can't confirm that myself. It hurts him to touch any area around it. Is there anything I can do to help my dog until I can get him to the vet tomorrow? What's the Worst case scenario I'm looking at? For the record he's a 9 year old Miniature Schnauzer.

Please help,


Hi Aaron,

Nobody online can diagnose your dog. Having your dog examined by your vet is what's called for, and since you've already have an appointment, it's just a matter of time until you have some answers. The worst case scenario is waiting around until your dog has an infection that's so bad that the dog avoids moving, and then waiting for an answer from the Internet. Dogs, like people, benefit from prompt medical treatment when it's called for.

Best of luck,
