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large lump and shaking

19 11:03:08

my dog is 14 years old and for as long as i can remember he has had this large lump on his back,about the size of an orange, i have taken him to the vet but he said that there was nothing to worry about. just recently he has been shaking a lot and in the past couple of days I've noticed that he has been walking really slow and hasn't eaten anything.could this be caused by the lump on his back or is he dieing?

Hi Trish,

There are several kinds of benign growths that dogs can develop. There's no way for me to guess what kind of growth your dog has, or if it's changed since your vet last examined it.

In dogs, shaking can be a response to pain. It wouldn't be at all shocking for a 14 year old dog to have arthritis, which is painful and would make him reluctant to walk. It's also possible that the slow walking is a neurological problem. There's no way of telling what's going on without a vet exam.

Not eating is something that can also be a sign of pain. You didn't say how long your dog has been acting this way, and how long it's been since he's eaten last, or if he's still drinking water.

You need to make your dog drink water, or a little warmed low-fat/low sodium chicken broth or Pedialyte. Dehydration is almost more serious than not eating. It can lead to organ failure.

Even though we're going into a weekend, it would be wise for you to have your dog examined by your vet. If he hasn't been drinking, he might need subcutaneous fluids, and that shouldn't be put off until Monday.
Even if your vet's office is closed, the office still might have a doctor on call. If you can't contact your regular vet, find an after hours emergency clinic in the yellow pages.

There is medication available so your dog isn't in pain, and that lump should be examined, if for no other reason than to put your mind at peace.

Best of luck,