Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > trembling in yorkie ; Yorkie seizures; Melatonin seizures;

trembling in yorkie ; Yorkie seizures; Melatonin seizures;

19 9:25:16

I have a 5month old yorkie who weighs 2.5lbs. yesterday she had a seizure so i took her to the vet. i have noticed she trembles ALOT, and is very tired, even before the seizure happened. could all this be related or what do you think is the cause?

Hi Kelly,  Glad you did take this Yorkie kid to the VET.  What did the VET say?  Did they do any blood work at all?  Have there been anymore seizures?

Here is a post on Seizures - Some good info here:
Possible Seizure activity in Chihuahua,
( related to vaccinations?)

Also, this one may help, too!
Talk to your Vet about using Melatonin for seizures...
SEE here:

I would love to help...
If you can give me the blood test results, it would sure be helpful.

YOU may call me at home,
803-424-2312 or e-mail me:
If you e-mail - write in Yorkie with Seizure activity in the subject line.

Marie Peppers LPN MA