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bumps all over my dogs skin

19 11:43:35

My Chihuahua has developed a number of bumps all over his muzzle and legs. He's trying to rub them constantly. Perhaps bee or ant stings?


The most likely cause of this is Allergic or Irritant Contact Dermatitis. Dermatitis is a generalized term for inflammed ('itis') skin ('derma'), and dermatitis caused by an irritant or an allergic reaction is often located on the head and legs - because dogs often come into contact with things by walking through them or smelling them. This causes warm, itchy bumps. The best thing to do would be to take him to the veterinarian. This is partly so that we can be sure Dermatitis is the correct diagnosis (a veterinary examination and possibly some skin scraping is required to be absolutely certain), and because if it is, your veterinarian can give him a steroid shot and dispense medications that will help him get over this very quickly. It would be an inexpensive visit. If this isn't feasible for some reason, the next best thing to try is Benadryl. You would need to call your veterinarian and ask what the right dosage for your dog's age and size is.

Good luck!
