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Males and Marking

19 10:15:11

I have 4 black pugs. 2 male 4yrs. & 1 year and 2 female both 7 months.  My oldest has been neutered and is/was housebroke until the younger male came into the picture. I have finally housebroke the younger male, but he and the older one have started going around marking everything! How can I stop this or is it possible to stop this? Please help!

Hi Stephanie,

Testosterone plays a role in urine marking. You didn't say if your dogs were neutered, but that is something which could help.

Supervise! Supervise! Supervise! Close supervision is necessary. You must be dedicated to stop the marking behavior of your dog and you must be consistent. When you can't be watching your dog, or you leave the house, the dog should be crated. If your dog isn't care trained, confine him to one part of a room with the help of a child gate or two.

Use a shaker can to get your dog's attention and startle him, the moment you think he's about to life his leg. A shaker can is simply an empty cola can with a several coins inside it. The opening is taped over to prevent the coins flying out. It makes a lot of noise when you shake it up and down.
Watch your dog for any signs (such as sniffing and circling) that he is even thinking about marking. The moment he begins to lift his leg shake the can once only to get his attention. The loud noise should startle him and interrupt what he is doing. As he looks towards where the noise has come from. Give him the command in a stern voice, such as: "NO PEE".

Be sure to clean the areas that have been marked in the past with an enzymatic cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle, so he won't be inclined to re-mark the areas.

Don't forget to praise your dog when he marks in an appropriate place. If you are outside and he marks on a tree or other acceptable object or area tell him what a good boy he is. Tell him, 'Pee here, good boy'  in a happy voice. Dogs learn quickly from positive responses to their behavior.

Another way of preventing a male dog from marking is to use a "belly band". A belly band is an absorbent fabric band male dogs wear as a way to prevent marking. You can see this product here:

Best of luck,
