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Training a Jack russle terrier puppy

19 14:19:40

Hello I recintly brought home my russle puppy, he is seven weeks old and full of energy, everything has been gonig well exept hes been chewing on my socks while there on my feet, my hands and my blankets... I was wondering if you knew what to do to stop these bad behaviers?

Also I am going to train him at home and was wondering what I should teach him and when to start? Sit and stay as well as to not jump up are what I'd like to train but am not sure how.

Thank you for any help in advance.

Dear Jack Russell

Your owner requested some information about your behavior. Specifically your chewing and what you need to know to be a pleasure for all including your veterinarian.

It's never to early to start training a puppy. How you train is very important though.

I recommend training a dog using psychological methods and the best source to learn about how to train is a book called Psychological Dog Training by C.W. Meisterfeld. check with your local library or (search c.w. meisterfeld)
Dogs have a willingness to serve and when you use psychological methods you develop the willingness to serve.

As for the chewing: Tell your owner to take the sock away, without any scolding, and give me something I am allowed to chew on, a bone I hope.

Happy Holidays
James Webster