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Jack rusle puppy

19 14:19:40

Hello again,

I picked up my russle puppy 3 days ago and everything is going well with him and my lab exept that he chews on my blankets and bites my hands.... now I know this is normal for a puppy or so I've read but I have never had this problem as my lab was three months old when I got her and was really passive as she was underweight and over all not being well cared for by her breeder. So my questions are.....

What do I do when hes chewing my blankets or biting my hands?

Also how long does it take russles to reach adult size? will he be a lot bigger in a month or two?

Thank you for any help in advance.

Any and every time he is chewing on something inappropriate, be it your hands, your blankets, table legs, etc., you need to redirect his chewing to something that he's supposed to be chewing on - like a nylabone. When he starts chewing on your blankets, for example, tell him NO and give him a nylabone or something that you want him to chew on. Immediately praise him as soon as he shows that item attention.

By about a year old, he should be as big as he's going to get.
