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Howto pick a good dog from a litter of pups

19 14:16:27

thanks for the info but what i was looking for is i have heard of test like droping keys in the center of pus and also holding them like a baby...i didn't know if there is a good test method on picking out a good dog that wouldn't be hipper or over agressive..and smart. if you know of any test methods that would be great.
thanks again.

Yes Vic..there are three tests...the first is to hold the pup under the chin and look into its do not want a dog that stares directly back at you for more then 5-6 seconds..the next is to rub its belly while it is on its back...if it tries to bite and throws a fit, that is bad and lastly .drop keys ..the noise should alert the dog and it should look. you do not want a dog that chases the keys once you drop them...just one that pays attention for a second. good luck