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My Shibas tushy smells fishy!! eeck

19 11:11:10

Okay- I totally felt silly telling anyone outside my family about this, but after reading many a weird "smell" question on this site- I am now ready and willing. I have a 3 year old Black and Tan spayed Shiba named Honey who is the absolute light of our lives. She is the spunkiest and sweetest thing ever created. She also has no bad habits of eating weird stuff or getting into food she shouldn't be. Honey also does not roll around in funky stuff either. Thank goodness. She is so clean that you would never know we even had a dog in the house as there is no doggie odor- we cant even blame that "smell" on the dog, since she rarely rarely passes gas!LOL Which is why....when my husband smelled what we later both smelled, it caused me some concern.
A few nights ago the three of us- hubby, Honey and myself- were sitting on the couch watching TV as we usually do. We both caught a whiff of a strong fishy odor. Honey would walk past us and then away, and each time she would saunter into the room there was a strong fish odor. We tried to find the source of the smell- we  really didn't think it was her, since she always smells so good. But my husband, aka, Sherlock Holmes, got down on all fours, sniffed her  butt- (anus)and was almost knocked down by how strong the smell was. She was not passing gas, she just plain stunk! I saw on other postings that dogs whose mouth smell fishy may have a kidney problem, so I am wondering if maybe that could be something I should bring up to my vet? Until I read that on this site, I thought it was just a funny scenario- but now I am thinking, if the mouth "end" smelling fishy may be a sign of kidney trouble- then maybe the other "end" smelling like that  could be cause for alarm too. I understand you aren't a doctor- you could only advise me to go see a vet....but I was wondering if you ever heard of this before? maybe with your Shiba???
We had recently changed her kibble- like 3 weeks prior- and she had NO any tummy upset from that whatsoever. Also- the smell thing went away the next morning...but returned again last nite??? So weird!! Any suggestions would be helpful- thanks

This probably something that you should bring up with your vet-as I don't really know much about medical problems

It is mostly the anal glands as they do smell bad if they are full,and a vet would be able to show you that-having worked at a groomers I do know how to do it,but it is something someone has to show you how to do rather then just writing it down

so yes it would be good to take her to the vet