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French Mastiff

19 9:24:32

Hi Patti,

My French Mastiff  finished her first heat about 12-15 days ago, she was both inside and outside at this time, she did not leave the yard or get out.  I have noticed that her tittes are still swollen, the lower 4 to be exact should I be worried, or is this normal for them to stay this size? Her appetite is nornmal, no morning sickness, no changes in her behavior either, her stomach is not swollen.  She will be 1 in a few days is this bodly change normal and are her nipples so large because she is a large breed?


Hi Melanie,

After a dog's first heat cycle, it's mammary glands remain larger than they were before she had her cycle.  That's just the way it goes.

If they were swollen, and not simply in their normal (larger than before) state, they'd feel firm to hard,  look red, feel warm to hot, and would probably be painful to the touch. If this were the case, your dog would need to see a veterinarian, as Mastitis is a potentially life threatening infection of the mammary glands.

I should tell you that leaving a dog that's in heat outside for any length of time by herself is extremely fool hardy, even if your yard is fenced in. I can't begin to tell you the number of messages I get from dog owners who's dog has "accidently" gotten pregnant!  Intact male dogs for miles around are very aware that your dog is in heat, and will make unimaginable efforts to get to her.  When it comes to dogs and breeding, it's very much a case of when there's a will, there's a way.
When your dog is in heat, you shouldn't ever let her outside by herself.

Best of luck,
