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P.G Bitch ???????

19 9:46:53


I had my bitch bred 11/11 to 11/19. I sent her to the stud, good
breedings.She had some symptoms of pregnancy.She is 5yrs & did not get p.g.for the last 2 times she was bred.  She had her ultrasound done 12/17. No pups. My reliable sign was the mucous discharge. She is having that. Pink noonies.Wide load.  I hate to seem goofy.  I've been doing this (breedings) for over 30 yrs. My gut instinct tells me to do another ultrashound.She would be due 1/13 to 1/20.  I've never had a bitch not pg when I had the mucous.I would appreciate you thoughts on this.  

Donna,   I have to agree with you on that one,,,,However, I have seen a plug when there was an infection.....Have you had her checked for the different diseases she may have which affects pregnancy?  I believe one of the more insidious ones is brucellosis.  There are others which you probably know about.  Anyway she is due in 2 weeks so I would give her another week and then maybe Xray or ultrasound.  You may see such positive signs you will be able to save your money (hopefully)  good luck