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how long does it last?

19 11:56:50

Hello Becky,

I was wondering about her being spayed, Is it true she won't be herself if she doesn't have puppies? One of my friends told me she should have at least one litter. I don't know if it is true? And i am thinking of spaying her.
Please ! help Need advice
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Ok this doesn't seem right but, i have a cocker spaniel puppy who is only 7 months and have seemed to start her period. I know you aren't a vet but if she is supposed to have it at this time then how long does it last?
Hi Phala!
Dogs come into heat around 6 months old, so she is about right.  The heat cycle lasts three weeks. The first week prepares for it, the second week is the bleeding, and the third week she will be going out. Be very careful that she doesn't get with a male dog right now.  She is way too young to breed.  You may want to have her spayed after she goes out. You can actually do it now, but it may cost a little more.

God Bless,

Hi again!
that is not true.  You should have her spayed. It will not change her personality at all.  There are way too many unwanted puppies out there being put to sleep every day because people are breeding them for reasons such as this. She will be healthier because it will remove any chance of ovarian or uterine tumors (cancer) and she will be happier not having to go into heat.  Please have her spayed, it is best all around.

God Bless,