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My licky dog

19 13:37:09

I have an 11 year old Labrador mix, Elwood. He's about 115lbs and has a very gentle nature. He has always been an excessive shedder and lately he has been eating clumps of hair and licking the rug frequently. Is there a particular reason he would do this? And how do I stop the behavior? Thank you in advance for your response.
Rebecca V Low

Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the question. Hmmm. . . . .  Is it a medical issue or a behavioral issue? I wonder if the behavior is a side effect of a medical condition. Have you had him checked by your vet? My dog has chronic pancreatic problems and when there is a flare-up, he'll graze on the rug like a cow eating grass. If I interrupt the behavior or move him away from the carpet,  he'll lick himself until he gets enough hair to cause vomiting.

Do you brush him regularly? Brushing actually stimulates a healthy coat. Don't use a punisher to stop the licking, such as a squirt bottle or shake can. This will not make him more relaxed and could likely increase his licking behaviors.

I would have a vet check him out first, then focus on prevention. Excessive shedding can be a sign of stress.

When is he most likely to lick the rug? Does he do it in response to something that occurs in the house or in response to interactions with people, or in response to noises outside?  

Brush him frequently to remove any loose hair, keep the hair that falls off cleaned up. Focus on redirecting him to perform an alternate behavior. Stuff a Kong with his dinner or give him a long-lasting chew treat, like macho stix. These are available from

If you know when it's likely to occur, take him for a walk or teach him a new trick. Try to stimulate his brain to 'get busy' with behaviors that are incompatible with licking.

I would pursue a vet appointment first, then address it by preventing it and redirecting him.

Happy Training!