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Question about shaving a pomeranian...

19 14:05:26


I own a pomeranian and want to shave her fur so it's about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. I can't stand the amount of fur she has... she just has way too much and sheds too much even when groomed regularly. I also think shaving her would help minimize the amount of fur everywhere from shedding.

But I've been reading about how you are not supposed to shave double coated breeds because it can cause the fur to not grow back properly and that doing so is a big mistake.

But my question is... I think this problem only applies to those who do a very close shave on their pomeranians... meaning a shave all the way up to the skin leaving no length of fur behind at all... not even half an inch. I of course do NOT want to do such a close short shave on my pomeranian... what I want to do is simply make her fur about 1 1/2 inches long instead of keeping at its current length which is maybe about 5 inches.

I read in another response somewhere written by you that you have pictures of pomeranians that have had their fur ruined by shaving them. Do you have such pictures available? I am dying to see them. Could you possibly email me those pictures? That would be really great.

I'm curious as to what those pomeranians look like. To me it seems like it would be a good thing if you shaved a pomeranian and its fur didn't grow back so long again as it was originally... because they have too much fur so to me it would be a blessing.

P.S- Do you think american eskimos shed more or do pomeranians shed more? I know this is an unrelated question.


I don't have pictures available.  Not all dogs hair goes bad after shaving them down, but many do.  The hair looks similar to if only the undercoat grows back. The colored top coat doesn't always come back nice at all. The hair looks frizzy and very light in color.  It is not easy to cut the hair down to 1- 11/2 inches. It depends on the way the hair lays on the dog.  However, she will shed just as much only now she will shed shorter hairs. You can get her trimmed with no problem but I guess my feelings also about shaving her down is why did you get this breed of dog if you don't like the hair?  All dogs are different, so I can't tell you how short you can go without causing any coat damage. Just be aware that it can happen and once it does there is no going back to that beautiful natural coat. I say daily brushing is your best option.