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Problems with puppy after leaving/playing with her.

19 11:15:31

In regards to your reply, below are the answers to your questions. Please help, because I feel that this situation is getting worse.

I've had her for about 6 months, I got her when she was a baby from a friend (friend's dog had a litter of puppies).

My daily schedule between Monday to Friday:
7:30am: wake up and prepare for work (She sleeps in the enclosed area and I leave her there in the morning while I prepare for work)
8:15am: leave home for work
8:30pm: get home from work
8:30pm onwards: shower, play with her abit, watch tv, and get ready for bed
On Saturdays and Sundays, I sometimes stay at home (when I'm at home and when I can watch her, I usually let her out) and I sometimes go out. My dad is retired, so he stays at home with her all the time, but he doesn't let her out of the enclosed area alot, because he has to do housework and he can't keep an eye on her all the time.

I usually play fetch with her, run around with her, watch tv with her, and thats about it. I sometimes take her out for walks, but not alot. One thing I forgot to mention is that I live in Hong Kong, so I don't really have a garden for her to go to the toilet to. She has a cage inside a rectangular enclosed area, and she has some cushions inside the enclosed area to sleep on (thats what she usually sleeps on at night), and we want her to go to the toilet inside the cage, because in Hong Kong, that seems to be the most convenient place to go to.

Ignoring her after play sessions is for example when I brush my teeth, watch tv with family, talk on phone, just when I'm not playing with her. We don't tell her or take her to potty after play sessions, we just let her out of the enclosed area and expect her to know when to go back herself to go potty, but that dosen't seem to work either.

The situation is getting worse because she is doing it every single night now, and once, we were going to take her our for a walk, but she refused to put on the dog leash, so we just said 'if you keep refusing, we won't take you out', then when I went to grap some stuff, she started to potty on the floor again, so we just didn't take her out. And on the other night, when we were preparing to go out (without the dog), she went potty on the floor again. Please help.  

Elrica, have you read the house training page? I think the answers to your problem are pretty much all on that page. The link is

You have to be consistent in your training. Your dog is a puppy, and she does not yet understand where she is supposed to go to the bathroom. It is up to you to teach her. That means that you have to take her to the appropriate place, whenever she shows signs of needing to go, or whenever she begins to go in the wrong place.