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itchey Min Pin

19 14:08:23

Thank you Cindy Lou in advance for being here.
We have a 9 yr. old Min Pin that has scratched,  scooted and chewed her feet since she was a pup. Have tried every thing from fish oil to brewers yeast. Shampoos from sulfer to expensive pet store brands. Best relief from Bag Balm. We have been told she has grass alergy, but not sure. Benedril does not help.

Sure are hoping you might have a suggestion.

Kitty S.  

Hello Kitty, First thing I would do is treat this as a fungus and not an allergy.  It may have started out as an allergy, but with the constant licking this creates a moisture that is the perfect breeding place for bacteria, thus fungus.  There are products that we humans use that can be used on pets.  Any athletes foot cream, it will say that it may be harmful if swallowed, well apply the cream and hold her for a minimum of 10 minutes then wash it off and dry completely.  Do this for 10 days to start and see if there are any results.  Continue if there is.  You might consider putting her on antibiotics to help the healing from the inside.  Using benedryl or prednisone only covers up the problem but does not cure it.  Good Luck, Cindy Lou :)