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Doggie Day Care

19 14:16:25

Hi! I'm a writer working on a book about dogs. The company's website is

Would you be able to answer a question for publication in the book? You'd be credited in the book with the tip, by your first and last name, first name, or anonymous. (Please let me know which you prefer.)

The question is: What should you look for in a doggie day care center?  

Hi Jennifer,

Your message got cut off and I don't know where to post the permission to publish..

Can you email me directly at

Shelley Davis

ps..I forgot to mention that the dogs should be screened for temperment and under no circumstances should aggressive dogs be allowed.


I would be happy to answer your question...

- small number of dogs
- good ratio of handlers to dogs
- dogs that can eliminate outside or be walked several times a day rather than being forced to go against their housebreaking training.
- clean facility
- attentive and informed staff.
- nothing left out that could harm your dog such as cleaning materials.
- places for dogs to have quiet time.
- no unneutered male dogs.

Please credit Bed & Biscuit,