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My Puppy eating a thin glass christmas ball ornament

19 9:13:35

My five month old Border Collie/mix "almost ate a very thin Glass Christmas Ball Ornament, which was apparently thrown across our neighbors fence into our backyard.  Had I not gotten to her in time, what could have happened? She eats everything, and I have to keep an eye on her every moment she's awake, and I'm very happy I saw this glass ball, and she started running for it, as it was glittering in the sun!  She probably thought, "Oh fun, what is this shiney thing?" Who knows!!!

Hi Patty,

Thank you for writing to me about the glass ornament that your puppy almost ate!

There was an angel watching over your puppy when that happened.  The glass could have cut up her insides and led to internal bleeding and the glass could also have broken into minute pieces, difficult to find.  YOu need to speak with your neighbor or put up a taller fence.  Set up a camera to see what's going on for the protection of your dog.

Best of luck.

Shelley Davis