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Picking a Golden Retriever Puppy

19 14:16:31

Ms. Herbert,

We are hoping to find a reputable breeder of Goldens in our area in the next few weeks/months.  We recently had to euthanize our lovely english springer as he was becoming increasingly aggressive toward our 9 month old daughter.  Obviously it was heart wrenching so we are hoping that we'll pick a "calmer" and less aggressive breed next.

Can you give us some pointers on selecting a puppy?  We are leaning toward a female this time, do you think that that is a good idea?  Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Chris D.

Chris..this is a hard one for me, as I don't believe that your dog needed to be euthenized, but instead needed a good trainer and possibly a family with no children to be safe. We have saved so many dogs from this fate because people do not know who to turn to. I am sorry for your loss. The truth is that it may not have been the dog itself that lead to the aggressiveness, but the way it was raised. One does not know without seeing the dog. A female is fine this time, but you may end up with the same problems if you do not get good training. In fact, i know more aggressive Goldens than English Springers in my area. When picking a a few tests: make noise with your keys and see if the dog pays attention. If he stops to look what it was and then goes on its way, that is good. Try dropping them next..if the dog tries to run away with them and play with them, this dog may be too high maintanance for you. Throw a stick, etc. A young pup may not know exactly what to do , but stay away from one that does nothing and one that goes overboard. As far as the breeder, look for clean facilities, ask how long they have been breeding. Ask to see mom and dad if possible. Also may be a health guarantee or exchange policy if the dog's personality does not fit your needs. Good luck