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GSD loves sprinklers

19 10:40:51

We rescued a GSD from the shelter, she is a great dog but has only one problem. She loves to play in the sprinklers which of itself is no problem but she bites them and pulls them out of the ground. She also chews hoses and portable sprinklers. Over time this can get to be very expensive, not just to replace them but to have the sprinklers re-installed ( 3 times so far ) we have turned off the automatic sprinkler system but as we live in the desert if we leave it off the lawn will die,we are renting the house, and since we both work at odd hours it is very difficult to remember to turn them back on and lock her in the house while they are working. Do you know of anything we can buy that will allow her to have her  "sprinkler " fun but that she will not destroy? And how can we deter her from digging up the sprinklers and drippers?

And I thought Labs were bad.  Just goes to show how little you can count on by a dog's breed.  

Look in the housewares section for some sort of metal mesh baskets to put over the sprinkler heads.  Maybe use tent pegs to hold them down.  Just don't put the peg through the feeder line.  Flat expanded metal would work if the heads don't pop up in use.  Otherwise, you will have to take the baskets up to mow.  

For her?  Some metal pipe with some holes drilled in it to spray water?  A molded child's wading pool?  

Here is a link to a picture of one of my Labs, the metal protecting the A/C wiring and lines, and a copper pipe running from the hose bibb,