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Rat terrier ears smell

19 10:44:30

I got a rat terrier about 8 weeks ago and we give her a bath about every 7-10 days and know we are getting a horrible smell from her ears she rubs the a little.  We clean out the best that we know how.  I dnot know what else to do.
Please help

The best thing of course is to have a vet check them.   You need to know if it is a bacterial infection or a fungal infection.   If you treat one and it is the other, it will make it worse.   It sounds like maybe a yeast infection. both types of infection are very painful for the dog.
To maintain good ears you want to get an ear cleaner that dries the ear out.   Once there is no infection, a couple of drops of vinegar in a tablespoon of water put on a cotton ball helps maintain good ear health.  but if they are infected, it will burn her to use this.