Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > stools


19 14:05:18

hey really concerned about my dogs' health.  She seems so lethargic always lying down.  She still eats, drinks, and we still go for walks.   THe thing thats of real concern to me is that her stools turn black.  Not all parts, buut maybe 2/3 of it turns black.  Wondering if you could help me out on this.

Hi Reggie,  Have you changed her diet at all lately?  Some foods can change the color of the stool, but my main concern is that it is also a sign of blood in the stool, especially if it looks like tar.  I would take a sample into the vet and have them check it for parasites first.  Thats the cheapest route to go.  Then get more tests done if needed.  With her being lethargic I would lean more towards blood in the stool than food, just need to find out what may be causing it.  Hope this helps,
