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puppy whimpering

19 11:05:01

My rescue puppy ( 3 months old) is crated about 6-7 hours during the day while We work. The first person home takes her out and plays in our back yard for 2-3 hours. then it's in and out of the house with the rest of the family until until around 10 PM She is crated for the night. Initially she falls asleep, around 1:45 every night shes awake whimpering, when checked she does not need to eliminate ( we go out side and she sits at my feet for 15-20 minutes)she's not hungry, she does not touch the food. She just whines for attention. This behavior has gone on every night for the last three weeks. Is there anything you can think of that I can try/do to keep her settled through the night?

That's a long time for a pup her age to be alone and crated. Try turning a tv on in the room where she is during the day, and putting it where she can see it. You can also give her toys stuffed with treats during her alone time in the crate to give her something to keep her occupied. Change them out often so that she doesn't get bored. Walk her twice daily, morning and evening,to give her some good exercise and a change of surroundings. Taking her to a dog park or somewhere at least three times a week would be really helpful. You're on the right track :)