Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Demodex


19 14:22:43

My Dalmation is about 11 years old and has had a rash and hair loss on his lower legs. I recently saw a photo on the internet that looks exactly like his lower legs and read about demodex. I was wondering if there are any "home" remedies that might help him as I cannot afford to take him to the vet. The rash and hair loss is getting worse and looks pretty bad and I know it is bothering him. I do not know what to do for him? Please help if you can. Thanks

Hey Greg,

I know there are over the counter meds for sarcoptic mange, but not sure if there is for demodex (which is the worse of the two).  I personally do not know of any home remedy.  It can get really bad, if I were you I would call around and see if there is a vet that will let you pick up some demodex dip without seeing the dog.  Just tell them that you want to take care of your dog, but you can't afford an office visit or a skin scraping.  I know what you mean, as I can't afford expensive office visits either.  But there are some vets out there that will help you.   You may also try calling a dalmation rescue group, as they might be able to help you out.

God Bless,