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New puppy and older dog

19 9:24:03


I have a 4 year old Staffordshire bull terrier and I recently got a 8 week old Jack Russell puppy after my Yorkshire terrier died on old age in 2010. My puppy is fine, its my staffy that is the problem, we brought the puppy home and placed him in his playpen to play and settle in and we brought out staffy into the lounge and when he saw the puppy, he got very aggressive, he was growling and if mum didn't hold him back, he would have bit the puppy.

What do I do to stop this behavior and for him to accept the puppy? I don't want to get rid of him because I love him so much and I don't want the puppy hurt but the staffy never hurt my yorkshire terrier though.

Thanks, Emma

It is always best to introduce dogs in neutral territory... like a park... so that the resident dog doesn't get territorial.

At this point, I would leave the puppy confined so that the adult can sniff him with a barrier between them. When it is time to have the puppy out, confine the adult. If the Staffy gets aggressive, give him what-for, and tell him that is unacceptable behavior and to knock it off. Be sure he gets his share of attention when he is out. I would NOT leave them alone together until you are sure that he has totally accepted the puppy. When he is behaving better, two of you take both dogs out for a walk together so that they can interact a bit off the property. I would keep a close eye on him, but he should be accepting the puppy within a couple days.