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Spay for female and Nuetered for male?

19 14:15:13

We have a Chihuaua and a Lhaso Apso. both are very close in age. The Lhaso Apso has been nuetered. The last time the chihuahua came in heat he ignored her and every thing was fine. This time when she came in heat, he is acting like he was never nuetered. Do you have any thing to tell meabout nuetering? Does it always "take" or can something happen to undo the fix. He is humping everything he comes next to including her.

Hello Erla,

When a dog is neutered, his testicles are removed, so it definetly "took".   Most dogs pay no attention to females in heat, but some still will.  I found this same topic on a website,  thought you might be interested in the answer given there:

His interest will be reduced but if he is around a female dog in heat, he will become aroused by her. Mounting behavior often has roots in the expression of dominance and may be expressed by a neutered male in a variety of circumstances that are not motivated by sexuality.n heat,  but some do.  

Hope this helps...
God Bless,