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Dog still goes in Crate

19 9:52:25

Hi Melissa,
 I have a 17 mo Jack Russell, rescue dog and we have had her since Nov 08. She was, I had thought Crate trained.  But for the past 4 weeks she started peeing in her crate.  She had not had an accident since April prior to and has been in her crate 8 hrs at least 3-4 days a week. The only change was that my Spouse now works 8 hrs days, 5 days a week in stead of, 12 hour days for 3 or 4 days a week.  She is a very good dog otherwise.  No accidents in the house, lets us know when she needs to go outside and doesn't destroy anything.  But giving her a bath everyday after work is getting old.  I have tried different ideas with her crate, made it smaller, took away her blanket but always left her toys.  Now she will be standing in a puddle when I come home from work (as she does not lay in it)  Also, she is fine if we leave her in crate for a few hours on weekends.  This is only happening during the work week.  Please help us, she is so sweet, but I don't know what to do.

Hi Corey;
I just wrote an answer yesterday to a similar question with a "Rescue dog". I can tell you I would probably give you about the same answer to your problem.
Time is not on your side, when you work with an older dog...especially since they are just getting acclimated to their new environment!
Leaving her in a Crate that long is not "Realistic" though...if you are going to be gone that long, then you really should get her an "Exercise Pen" or a kennel run in your yard, or garage area.
A dog cannot stay that long and hold it, you could not either.. so, again, being more tolerant to what her needs are in this case are really what is missing.
You will need to adapt your environment to the "Long work Day hours"!!!
If this is not a possibility, then you may want to give her another option in another home.
I do appreciate your question, and don't want to offend you...but, again, I am giving you "Straight Talk" as you have come to me for my "Opinion"!!!

You are going to have to help her with her "Potty" needs.
And this is my best recommendation. Use a Pen or a run and give her the area she needs to do her business. Crate training is good up to a 4 hour interval at the longest during the day...and at night about 6 to 8. But, after that it just is not fair.
Thank you for your question,
I will be available to help you further if need be.
Best regards,