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Teaching my dog to heel

19 14:16:08

I've tried many times to train my dog to heel. I use a chokechain and have tried methods involving treats and other positive reinforcement. My dog does not care. He'll just keep pulling on the leash, and by the end of the walk, he's way out of breath and makes strange breathing noises for hours, but does not seem to care at all. Normally, I'd say, "Fine, he's just a dumb dog, untrainable."
But, I've been offered $25 to teach him to heel within 6 weeks. Now I'm really anxious to teach my dog to heel. He's very uncooperative, even though I promise him treats. For example, I lifted his paw and gave him treats, saying "paw",3 times a day, for 6 weeks. This worked with my other 2 dogs, they now respond when I say "paw".
He, instead, didn't learn anything.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Henry, Sure sounds like you have a stubborn boy on your hands. You didn't mention the breed, and I would be curious. You also didn't say where you live, but I would forego the $25 and call a GOOD, RECOMMENDED training school, one that uses positive reinforcement, and enroll pronto! It'll be worth your while. Without really seeing the dog in action, it is hard to help. Hey, you might enjoy it, and the opportunity to see someone with a dog that may be worse-behaved than yours always make you feel good!

Good luck.