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Feeding and Appetite

19 13:35:31

I have a 9 mnth old female GSD. She suffered Goastroenteritis at 3 mnths of age, and took 2 weeks for her to be up and running normally.Even,until 7 mnths of age she would have diarrhoea once in 2 weeks. After asking an expert, i stopped feeding her chews and other treats. She responded wonderfully. But now, she refuses to eat her food without minced meat.If not minced chicken meat, she would rather eat nothing at all. She used to eat pedigree,chicken and milk, but now she refuses to eat that too. I know its a classic example of the dog training us. Please help.

Secondly, her appetite does not seem to be like other dogs her age.(not sure if its right to compare). She would calmy wait for her food and eat it calmy too. And sometimes leave a little food behind.Is it alright for her to be that way or should I feed her an appetite stimulant ?
Thanks for any help.

Hi Vinay,

Your dog has learned that is she holds out long enough, she'll get the food she wants!

To break your dog of this finicky habit, you need to stick to your guns. Put her food down for her, give her 15 minutes to eat it. If she doesn't eat, pick up the food, and don't give her anything else to eat until her next scheduled feeding, at which time repeat the process of giving her 15 minutes to eat, or it's taken away. Don't hover over your dog or try to encourage her to eat. Just let her alone. She may know that you're stressing over her food, and finds it worrisome.

This might sound harsh, but no healthy dog will starve itself. She might even if she refuses food for a few days, it's a battle of wills. Of course, if you want your dog to have fresh chicken or meat as a part of her diet, then there isn't a problem with adding it to her meals.

You mentioned you're giving your dog milk with her meals. Milk isn't good for dogs. It can cause diarrhea.

Calmly waiting for her food, and then eating calmly, isn't a problem at all. If you don't have other pets, your dogs simply might feel as though there's any competition for food, so she is relaxed at feeding times.  Some dogs live to eat and others eat to live.
It's okay that your dog leaves over food now and then. Dogs regulate their food intake. Sometimes a dog that is overfed, will simply skip a meal.

Some dogs are "grazers" and do well if their food is left out during the day, and they pick at it whenever they feel hungry. This is okay, it's your personal choice if you want to feed at scheduled mealtimes, or go "free range".

If your dog is not underweight, and has a normal energy level (doesn't act lethargic, or sick), then I'd say she's healthy and there's no reason to worry about her leaving food over, and no need to think about appetite stimulants.
If you think your dog is underweight, and is a little too inactive for her age, then you should have her examined by your vet.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,