Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Petsitters


19 13:59:35

What types of things should I ask a petsitter when trying to decide who can walk my dog 3 days a week?  I'm trying to think of all the worst case scenarios.  It's always asking for trouble when someone gets access to your pool and house, of course, but what would you ask someone if you were trying to find out who is a responsible petsitter?

Hi Petey,  I would ask for references from anyone that has the same breed of dog that you own.  I don't believe in general references cause obviously who's going to give a bad reference, but if they can give you a reference from someone who has the same breed as you, then it shows they have dealt with your breed of dog before.  If it is a mix breed, then ask for references for the breeds that are in your dog, for example chow/shepherd mix, then ask for references from anyone owning a chow and/or shepherd.  Find out how much  vet experience they have, especially when it comes to emergency medicine, which vet they will take the dog to, and then call that vet to verify that the vet knows them.  Can they identify heat stroke, heat exhaustion, bloat or gastric torsion?  These are the most common things that happen to dogs when being exercised.  Also find out if they are bonded and/or insured.  That's for your own safety as far as being robbed in your home.  Hope this helps,
